Philip Santos schaffer and isabel quinzaños alonso
Katharine Matthias Katharine Matthias

Philip Santos schaffer and isabel quinzaños alonso

Playwright and Actor Philip Santos Schaffer and Director Isabel Quinzaños Alonso discuss Baby Jessica’s Well-Made Play, a five-act phone adventure to the bottom of a well and back again. They discuss how they get two strangers to meet on the phone, how they invite audience members to sit in their closets and listen to one another, and how they find the tools to invite the audience to take care of each other.

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Sarah Gancher
Elena Araoz Elena Araoz

Sarah Gancher

An interview with Sarah Gancher about Fill in the Play, an audience participation theatrical experiment: “Mad Libs” meets improv game meets play. She discusses playwriting, collaboration with her audience, and her desire to innovate form and structure.

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  More coming soon!