Ben Beckley and Asa Wember
Elena Araoz Elena Araoz

Ben Beckley and Asa Wember

An interview with Ben Beckley and Asa Wember who, together, created an individual immersive virtual experience specifically for quarantine. Guided by an alien species, listeners move around their home and interact with everyday objects as they gain an outside perspective to their human experience. Beckley and Wember piece together a post-apocalyptic story about a world eerily similar to our own and invite listeners to observe and question their reality.

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Iyvon Edebiri
Elena Araoz Elena Araoz

Iyvon Edebiri

An interview with Iyvon Edebiri, Artistic Director of The Parsnip Ship – a leading figure in audio entertainment and the revolutionary power of accessible storytelling. Producing podcast plays by bold, innovative artists, The Parsnip Ship has been working as a platform for intersectional and dynamic storytelling and storytellers since its inception. Iyvon discusses amplifying artists’ voices, liveness, creating communities in person and digitally, and the American imagination.

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  More coming soon!